Champions Of The Asia Circuit Sneak Preview To Be Held Friday August 24th At Leisure Time Games
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On Friday, August 24th, Leisure Time Games will be hosting a Sneak Preview for the latest Cardfight!! Vanguard set, Champions Of The Asia Circuit 1 week before the official set release. This new set will feature 3 clans, have special box purchase promos, and will introduce new cards and abilities to the game as well.
From the official Cardfight!! Vanguard website:
"This is an extra booster that features units from 3 distinctive clans used by Asia’s Top 3, “Leon Soryu”, “Gouki Daimonji”, and “Kenji Mitsusada”!
Power up the same-day-release Trial Deck Vol.03 “Leon Soryu”!!
Construct 《Dimension Police》 and 《Granblue》 decks with just this booster!!
Each booster box will include 1 piece of “Force”, “Accel”, and “Protect” Gift Markers too!
(A unit illustration version will be randomly inserted)
Gift Markers with hot-stamp signatures of the cast will also be included as Secret Rares!"
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Your $22.00 entry fee will include:
4 Champions Of The Asia Circuit booster packs
1 Champions Of The Asia Circuit special promo card (tbd)
Deck construction begins at 6:00 PM
This will be a Swiss Style tournament
Number of rounds will be determined by the total attendance
There is an entry cap of 8 players
Matches will be best of 1
Rounds will be 25 minutes long
For prize support details, see below
About The Set
From the official Cardfight!! Vanguard website:
"Featured Clans Aqua Force, Dimension Police, Granblue
Card Types 58 types of cards
58 new cards (VR: 3 / RRR: 6 / RR: 8 / R: 13 / C: 28) + SVR: 3 [3 Parallel] + OR: 3 [3 Parallel] + SCR: 4
2 cards in every pack will definitely be R or above cards!!
1 pack contains 7 random cards
1 display contains 12 packs
Release Date August 31(Friday), 2018"
In a typical 8 person tournament, you can expect
1 Champions Of The Asia Circuit play mat to the winner
3 Champions Of The Asia Circuit Booster packs to the 1st place winner
2 Champions Of The Asia Circuit Booster packs to the 2nd place winner
1 Champions Of The Asia Circuit Booster packs to the 3rd place winner
1 Champions Of The Asia Circuit Booster packs to a random non-placing player
1 Champions Of The Asia Circuit play mat to a random non 1st place player
1 Champions Of The Asia Circuit Promo card to a random player
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All times, locations, events, hosts, and so forth are subject to change without notice.
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Entries are limited to stock on hand
*Special prices, special offers, discounts, and sale prices are not valid when redeeming store credit.