Prior to its release on Friday July 13, Leisure Time Games will be hosting a Final Fantasy Opus VI Prerelease on Saturday July 7.
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Final Fantasy Opus VI Prerelease Tournament Details
For your $32.39 entry fee ($29.99 plus tax), you will receive:
6 Opus VI Booster Packs
1 Exclusive Guy [6-003H] foil promo card
1 exclusive pack of sleeves featuring the Gullwings: Yuna, Rikku and Paine from Final Fantasy® X-2
Deck building will begin at 4:00 PM
Round 1 will begin at 5:00 PM
This will be a sealed format Swiss Style tournament
The number of rounds will be determined once we know how many players are participating
About The Set
Opus VI contains 130 cards, and features exclusive, original art from the following FINAL FANTASY
Matsuda Toshitaka -『FINAL FANTASY Ⅱ』
Ryoma Ito -『FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2 Grimoire of the Rift』
Roberto Ferrari -『FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0』
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