Due To Circumstances Beyond Our Control We Are Temporarily Closed And Shall Reopen Soon. Give Us A Week Or So And We Should Be Back At It
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Leisure Time Games
Gentle Reader, Fellow Gamer
There we were, just having a grand time on the first prerelease event for the new Magic The Gathering Set, Adventures In The Forgotten Realms. We were about to start round 2. Everyone was in their seat, shuffling their decks and whatnot. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, the set, and finally getting to play a Magic tournament in person again.
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That's When It Happened
Someone said, "What's that noise? It sounds like it's...raining?"
I look up from my deck and listen. Yes, I need to do that. I'd like it to be known that Tinnitus in an official drag. Anyway, I hear it too.
Someone else, or maybe the same person, I dunno, chimed in with, "Look at that tile, it looks like it's getting wet."
Yup. That one. And another one. And yet another one. It was right around that time the "Rain" became a downpour. What everyone was hearing they began seeing as it leaked through the roof, and all over the center of the shop. So, yeah. My shop began to flood. Well isn't that just a fine how do you do.
Then What?
I grabbed my phone, and contacted Security. They got the water shut off. One of the players took the bag out of my trashcan and handed it to me. I put it under the waterfall to try and stop any more damage from occurring. It gave the old college try, but the water had more places in the roof to run through than it had a radius to encompass. I mean, it did stop some, so it's not like it was a wasted effort or anything. Good job trashcan, good job.
Now What?
The Management Team here at the "Santa Maria Town Center" are now looking to see which unit they'll be moving me to temporarily. So, for the next week or so:
- We'll be dealing with insurance
- We'll be moving our shop
- We'll be reopening our shop
- We'll be dealing with contractors
- We'll be doing some major clean up
- We'll be ::As yet to be determined thing to deal with goes here::
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Temporarily Closed And Shall Reopen Soon
Either way, we'll reopen as soon as possible. Once the mall decides where they're gonna put me, I'll get my stuff over there and we're back in business. Anything else will be taken care of once we've got our doors open again. How long we'll be in the new spot is a big question mark, but my educated guess is it'll probably be within a couple of months.
Keep Up To Date
I'll be posting about my little side adventure as we go forward. You can be kept up to date by following us on Facebook -Leisure Time Games. You can join us on Discord- call the shop, stop on by or send me an email, it's all at the bottom of this page, and I'll sent you an invite. Or, just check back here to the website homepage. I'll be posting as things progress there as well.
Once this is all taken care of, we move back in to the newly cleaned up shop at center court and act like none of this ever happened.
See y'all real soon
Unless otherwise specified, all listed sales prices do not include CA sales tax. So whatever it says, add 8.75% and there you go.
No returns without a receipt. Can you believe I've actually had people try to return things to me that they didn't buy from me? People, amirite?
Returns are store credit only. Insert pithy follow-up statement here.
All discounts based on multiple purchases will be on the lowest priced item. Because that's how I roll.
Special prices, special offers, discounts, and sale prices are not valid when redeeming store credit. Just because you hoarded it, doesn't mean it's worth more now.
All times, locations, events, hosts, and so forth are subject to change without notice. Stuff happens man.
Contact Leisure Time Games for any last minute changes. Believe me, it happens.
Sale Items, event entries, prize support, etc are all limited to stock on hand. You'd think I wouldn't have to say that, but there it is.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Yes, even you.
Hey there Leisure Time Games, I’m a SLO resident and was wondering if I could get access to the discord. My username is Raccoon#4644. Thanks!
Sent. See you soon