As May 4th Approaches, This List Of Events For Con De Mayo 2019 Will Be Populated With The Events We've Got Signed Up So Far
On this page you will find the list of events for Con De Mayo 2019. If you don't see an event that you think we should be hosting, why not sign up to host it? We're always looking for event hosts. Whether it be for a Games Day Event, Cencon, or something in our shop, if you'd like to do it, we'd like to have you. You can either click here, or the link further down the page for more details.
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Leisure Time Games
Featured Event
EVENT: Free Comic Book Day
Start/End Time: All Day
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: Free Comic Book Day, which takes place on the first Saturday of May, is an annual event that brings old and new readers alike into comic shops throughout the world. Go into any participating comic shop, like Leisure Time Games, and pick up specially marked Free Comic Book Day comic issues for you to enjoy, and all for free. When we open on Saturday at 10:00 AM, we'll be offering up to 3 titles per person. After 4:00 PM, if you'd like to come back and pick up a couple more, please do.
EVENT: May The Fourth Cosplay Event
Start/End Time: All Day
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: On May 4, we'll be celebrating Star Wars Day, also known as "May The Fourth", a play on "May the Force be with you." Star Wars Day is an unofficial celebration of the Star Wars franchise, created by George Lucas. We'll be celebrating this event by giving anyone who cosplay's a Star Wars character free entry into Con De Mayo 2019.
Cant Find It In Our Shop?
If we don't have it in our shop, it doesn't mean we can't help you find it. Check out our Online Store where we have access to thousands of more titles for you to choose from, all from a secure site
All Day
EVENT: Open Tables
Start/End Time: All Day
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: Throughout the day there will be tables available for pick up games and other unofficial events. Please see Leisure Time Games for further details
EVENT: Magic Open House
Start/End Time: All Day
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: If you’re interested in teaching someone to play magic, come into the shop and get a welcome deck from us. This is a special 2 pack of 30 cards. Give one to your friend, shuffle up, and show them how it's done. Once you're done, give them your 30 card deck, and now this new player has their own 60 card Standard Format deck. Bring your friend and yourself back to the shop, and when they sign up to get a DCI number, we’ll give them and you a promo full art foil Liliana’s Triumph.
Host An Event
Would you like to host an event at Leisure Time Games? Whether you want to host something in the shop, or at one of our Games And Comics Day Events, we'd be happy to do what we can to accommodate you. Just sign up here
10:00 AM
EVENT: Five Tribes Board Game
Start/End Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Host: Tom J
Description: Use mancala-like movement to claim areas and special actions as tribes (meeples) move around the board. Claim unique djinn to do your bidding.
EVENT: Illuminati The Board Game
Start/End Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Host: Alexander M
Description: Steve Jackson's second print of the conspiracy cardgame Illuminati. You take your position as one of several secret societies vying for control of the world through controlling other organizations and resources. It is a very competitive game that has a lot of diplomacy and backstabbing built in --- this game isn't for the faint of heart!
EVENT: My Little Pony CCG
Start/End Time: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Host: Jeffery W
Description: Sealed format: build a deck from cards provided from the most recent sets.
EVENT: Warhammer 40,000/Kill Team
Start Time: 10:00 AM - ?
Event Host: Tim A.
Description: Bring your 40K army or your Kill Team Team and have a great time playing a variety of Games Workshop titles
EVENT: Age Of Sigmar/Shadespire
Start Time: 10:00 AM - ?
Event Host: Will P.
Description: Bring your Age Of Sigmar army or your Shadespire Warband and have a great time playing a variety of Games Workshop titles
12:00 PM
EVENT: War Of The Spark Draft Weekend
Start/End Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: Magic The Gathering's latest set releases this weekend. Promo cards to all participants as well as booster packs in the prize pool to the top players. $13.00 Entry, includes venue fee.
EVENT: Luke Laurie Presents...
Start/End Time 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Host: Luke Laurie
Description: Game designer Luke Laurie will be joining us during Con De Mayo 2019 to demo his games. He'll be featuring the upcoming Cold War Expansion to The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire, which will be on Kickstarter beginning next week, and the all new epic fantasy game, Dwellings of Eldervale, which will be on Kickstarter in June.
EVENT: Kingdom Builder Board Game
Start/End Time: 12;00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Host: Tom J
Description: Place your villages across the map to score points based on specific territory rules which change every game. Five minutes to learn.
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1:00 PM
EVENT: Smash Ultimate Singles: Video Game Tournament
Start/End Time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Host: Edson B
Description: $5.00 venue fee, which includes entry into Con De Mayo 2019. Double elimination bracket will be held. After some bracket matches there will be open friendly set ups. Will be lots of fun!
EVENT: Majesty Of The Realm Card Game
Start/End Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Event Host: Tom J
Description: Acquire villagers (cards) for your village (more cards), which give you special abilities; acquire majorities of certain characters to amplify their capabilities.
EVENT: Dungeons And Dragons Role Playing Game
Start?End Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Event Host: Jim R
Description: Dungeons and Dragons one-shot. Plot to be announced at the start of the game. Characters will be provided.
EVENT: Pokemon League
Start?End Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Host: Ryan H.
Description: A relatively normal Pokémon TCG League day with bonus promo cards for attending during a games day.
2:00 PM
EVENT: Illuminati The Board Game
Start/End Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Host: Alexander M
Description: Steve Jackson's second print of the conspiracy cardgame Illuminati. You take your position as one of several secret societies vying for control of the world through controlling other organizations and resources. It is a very competitive game that has a lot of diplomacy and backstabbing built in --- this game isn't for the faint of heart!
3:00 PM
EVENT: Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Tournament
Start/End Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: $5.00 entry, includes Venue Fee. All players get an OTS Season 9 pack, and $5.00 store credit. Top players will get OTS Season 10 packs
4:00 PM
EVENT: War Of The Spark Draft Weekend
Start/End Time: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Host: Leisure Time Games
Description: Magic The Gathering's latest set releases this weekend. Promo cards to all participants as well as booster packs in the prize pool to the top players. $13.00 Entry, includes venue fee.
EVENT: Betrayal At House On The Hill Board Game
Start/End Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Host: Alexis L.
Description: Your fear will grow with each tile you place as you investigate a house filled with dreadful monsters and dealt secrets. As you brave your way through each unique room, you and the other explorers must rely on each other to survive the horrors that await. But beware; the house will turn one of you against the rest.
6:00 PM
Open Tables
8:00 PM
Open Tables
10:00 PM
End of Con De Mayo 2019
Thank you for joining us. We'll see you at our next big Games Day Event, Summer Games Day 2019, Coming In August, 2019
Some events have their own entry fees. Typically, the venue fee is included (excluding the video game tournaments for example). You'll have to see the individual event for details.
If you enter an event that has its own fee you can enter that event and any other event that does not have an entry fee of it's own. If you wish to enter multiple events with their own fees, you will have to pay for them separately.
Unless otherwise specified, all listed sales prices do not include CA sales tax. So whatever it says, add 8% and there you go.
No returns without a receipt. Can you believe I've actually had people try to return things to me that they didn't buy from me? People, amirite?
Returns are store credit only. Insert pithy follow-up statement here.
All discounts based on multiple purchases will be on the lowest priced item. Because that's how I roll.
Special prices, special offers, discounts, and sale prices are not valid when redeeming store credit. Just because you hoarded it, doesn't mean it's worth more now.
All times, locations, events, hosts, and so forth are subject to change without notice. Stuff happens man.
Contact Leisure Time Games for any last minute changes. Believe me, it happens.
Sale Items, event entries, prize support, etc are all limited to stock on hand. You'd think I wouldn't have to say that, but there it is.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Yes, even you.